What Are Some Strategies for Choosing a Good
- Use lines from a childhood verse:
- Verse Line: Yankee Doodle went to town
Password: YDwto#town
- Expressions inspired by the name of a city:
- City Expression: I love Paris in the springtime
Password: ILpinST
- City Expression: Chicago is my kind of town
Password: CimYKot
- Foods disliked during childhood:
- Food: rice and raisin pudding
Password: ricNraiPudng
- Food: boiled broccoli
Password: boi%Brocc
- Transformation techniques:
- Technique: Transliteration
Illustrative Expression: photographic
Password: foTOgrafik
- Technique: Interweaving of characters in successive words
Illustrative Expression: iron horse
Password: ihrOrnSe
- Technique: Interweaving of characters in successive words
Illustrative Expression: file drawer
Password: FdirLawer
- Technique: Substitution of synonyms
Illustrative Expression: coffee break
Password: jaVa*rest
- Technique: Substitution of antonyms
Illustrative Expression: stoplight
Password: starTdark
Note: Obviously, you shouldn't use any of the passwords used as examples in
this brochure. Treat these examples as guidelines only.