What Are the Guidelines for Choosing a Password?
U-M system administrators are now using some sophisticated programs that help
users avoid choosing an insecure password. The programs check the password
selected and can disallow a poor choice. To avoid problems, follow these basic
guidelines when choosing your UMICH password:
- Use at least seven characters; the more characters, the better (as long as
you can remember them). You can use up to 63 characters, so be creative.
- Make your password easy for you to remember but hard for someone else to
guess. Picking letters from a phrase that's meaningful to you may be the
source for a good password. In this way, your password is really a
"pass phrase." ("Do you know the way to San Jose?" could
be D!Y!KtwTSJ?)
- Intersperse punctuation marks or symbols such as #, $, %, etc. Do not use
a blank space.
- Always use a mixture of upper- and lowercase characters.
- Never write down your password; someone else might see it.
- Select a unique password. Do not use a password that you are using for
some other purpose, such as your PIN at the bank or your password to another