NT 4.0 LAN Manager Replication (LMRepl) uses directory replication to replicate data from one export machine (%systemroot%\system32\Repl\export) to the import folders of the other domain controllers (DCs) (%systemroot%\system32\Repl\import), which then share the data as the Netlogon share. Win2K File Replication Service (FRS) uses the SYSVOL volume (%systemroot%\SYSVOL\sysvol), which replicates among DCs automatically. The Netlogon share points to %systemroot%\SYSVOL\sysvol\<domain name>\SCRIPTS.
The different system approaches are incompatible. Therefore, you must manually configure a script to periodically copy files from one of the Win2K Netlogon shares to the NT 4.0 export machine, which can then disseminate the files to the other NT 4.0 DCs. The Windows 2000 Resource Kit supplies lbridge.cmd, a template for this script that can use either Xcopy or Robocopy to perform the file operations.
If you don't configure such a script, your NT 4.0 DCs will have out-of-date logon scripts.