You can�t restore Active Directory (AD) to a domain controller (DC) while the Directory Service (DS) is running. To restore AD, perform the following steps.
Loader V5.0
Windows NT Advanced Options Menu
Please select an option:
Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Enable Boot Logging
Enable VGA Mode
Last Known Good Configuration
Directory Services Restore Mode (Windows NT domain controllers only)
Debugging Mode
Use | and | to move the highlight to your choice.
Press Enter to choose.
The computer will boot into a special safe mode and won�t start the DS. Be aware that during this time the machine won�t act as a DC and won�t perform functions such as authentication.
After you restore the backup, reboot the computer and start in normal mode to use the restored information. The computer might hang after the restore completes; I�ve experienced a 30-minute wait on some machines.