KERBEROS -Tried and tested third party authentication product for UNIX
TCP/IP networks. Kerberos is based on symmetricalencryption. A secret key determines whether the user isallowed access. Kerberos is available in versions 4 and 5.
IBM SECRET-KEY MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL -Key administration system for communication and filesecurity in networks, -using symmetrical encryption. Thesystem was designed by IBM at the end of the '70s. The protocol has three main functions: Secure communication between servers and terminals, secure file transfers to the server, and secure communication between servers.
KRYPTOKNIGHT - Authentication system designed by IBM, with a secret protocol using DES or a modified version of MD5.
PEM - Private Enhanced Mail is an Internet standard for secure email over the Internet.
MSP - Message Security Protocol is the military's answer to PEM. It was developed by NSA at the end of the '80s. It is an X.400 compatible application protocol used to protect e-mail. This component of the NATO approved military message format is an integral part of the US Defense Department�s DMS (Defense Messaging System) project.
PGP - Pretty Good Privacy is a public domain encryption program designed by Philip Zimmerman. It uses IDEA for encrypting data, RSA for handling keys and MD5 for the one-way hash function. PGP can also compress files.
CLIPPER - Clipper is an electronic chip, designed by NSA, that uses the Skipjack encryption algorithm. Each chip has its own key.