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Password, security, privacy, Internet and email tools, free games and puzzles

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1st Security Agent
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1st Mac Mailer
SMTP Relay Server
Mail Bomber
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Best Mail Server
Corporate SMTP Server

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Security Administrator FAQ
Mail Bomber FAQ
Fast Mailer Pro FAQ
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Software Products - Free Downloads


1st Security Agent
1st Security Agent -  protect and secure Windows PC   (v6.1)

Secure your PC with 1st Security Agent. It offers an administrative support for controlling which users are allowed to access your PC and the level of access each user may have. You can restrict access to Control Panel applets, disable Start Menu items, hide local and network drives, disable DOS, boot keys, Registry editing, taskbar, task manager, and network access, hide desktop icons, password-protect Windows and restrict users to running specific applications only. Secure Internet Explorer, disable individual menu items, prevent others from editing Favorites, disable individual tabs in the Internet Options dialog, as well as specific settings from each tab. It also offers a flexible and complete password protection. Excellent online help is available. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


1st Screen Lock
1st Screen Lock -  password-protect PC and spy on users   (v6.1)

1st Screen Lock is a password-protected desktop security utility that lets you lock your desktop with a password on boot, or at the time you are leaving your PC. Use the built-in spy utility that works in background and enables you to spy on your PC users by fixing all user moves in a log file. It is very useful, when you need to know what your children or personnel do at the time you are away. Each user of the program has its own password used to unlock PC, password protection does not allow your users to see statistics, change options, or remove the program itself, they can only unlock PC using their own passwords. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


Security Administrator
Security Administrator -  protect PC and restrict access   (v10.1)

Password protect your computer and restrict access to it with Security Administrator. It enables you to impose a variety of access restrictions to protect your privacy and stop others from tampering with your PC. You can deny access to Control Panel applets, disable boot keys, context menus, DOS windows, Registry editing, Internet and network access. Hide your desktop icons, individual drives, Start menu items, taskbar, apply password protection to Windows and restrict users to running specific applications only, control Internet usage, view statistics of computer use by your kids or employees. The program also has a built-in lock screen utility to prevent PC entry with a password while you are away. Excellent online help is available. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


Mail Bomber
Mail Bomber -  organize email subscription   (v9.4)

Email and subscription-based mailing lists have become an important feature for many web sites and individual PC users. Mail Bomber is one of the best subscription-based email tools for Internet, it is intended for sending requested personalized email messages to your customers or friends utilizing subscription-based mailing lists. It allows you to create and manage subscription-based mailing lists, and generate individual email messages from predefined templates while sending. You can use it as a handy tool for keeping feedback from your customers or friends, as a manager of your subscription-based mailing lists, or as a simple and handy email program. Online help is available. Try our Internet and email tools, free downloads.


Public PC Desktop
Public PC Desktop -  setup public access PC   (v2.9)

Turns your personal computer into an Internet kiosk or a public access workstation by disabling access to files installed on your PC while giving full access to all necessary applications you specify including Internet Explorer. It supports multiple security modes providing you with an ability to specify the most acceptable type of access to a locked desktop such as username and password authentication, time-locked code (that allows users to access workstation for a given period of time only) or a combination of both. It is ideal for public libraries, Internet cafes, information terminals, in-store kiosks, or home PCs to limit children activities. Excellent online help is available. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


Best Mail Server
Best Mail Server -  SMTP/POP3 mail server software   (v1.4)

Best Mail Server is a fast SMTP/POP3 server program. Send mail from any client that is complaint with SMTP protocol, configure the server to be your local email server, or to accept email on behalf of your users and store it, until they retrieve it using POP3. The server delivers the easiest possible configuration, while lets you tweak any advanced features. Use the server along with any mailer or email program. Security features and options let you protect the server from DDoS attacks and safely block SPAM. SMTP and POP3 servers work as NT services therefore they will keep working in the logoff mode. Use multiple SMTP gateways in your server to deliver email in cases where direct delivery is not possible. Mailing lists functionality allows you to use this server as a mass mailer to send personalized messages. Try our Internet and email tools, free downloads.


Corporate SMTP Server
Corporate SMTP Server -  high-performance mail server   (v1.5)

Corporate SMTP Server is a reliable high-performance SMTP server program for corporations and Internet Service Providers. It is simple and absolutely bullet-proof, it has a lot of security features and options you can use to protect the server from the outside of the Internet as well as safely block SPAM and spammers. It can be installed on several computers while the common message queue can be kept on a separate dedicated PC to increase sending power of your organization. This software works as a NT service therefore it will keep working in the logoff mode. For software debugging and testing purposes, the program has a testing mode. As a personal solution, it is ideal for laptop PC users who travel a lot and have to use different Internet Service Providers (ISP) on the run. The program lets you use SMTP gateway servers to achieve the best delivery rate where port 25 is blocked. Try our Internet and email tools, free downloads.


Easy Desktop Keeper
Easy Desktop Keeper -  backup, restore, lock desktop layout   (v1.6)

Backup, restore, manage and lock your desktop layout or layouts of PC users including placement of desktop icons, files and folders located on the desktop, desired wallpaper and screen saver. You can create desktop layouts for different purposes and provide users with their own desktops. Simply place your icons wherever you want them on your desktop, select desired wallpaper and screen saver, double click program's tray icon and click the Save button to create a new desktop layout file. If your icons ever get moved or deleted by any user or after entering the safe mode or changing the screen resolution, just open the program and click the Load button to return your desktop to any previously saved state, or simply reboot your PC if you are in the Lock Desktop mode. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


Easy Backup for Outlook Express
Easy Backup for Outlook Express -  save, restore your data   (v1.6)

Backup and restore your Outlook Express data such as identities, email messages, email account settings, message rules, the address book, list of blocked senders, signatures and settings as well as backup and restore your Favorites, Windows Address Book and My Documents. The program produces encrypted archive files containing all your data, which you can put on a CD and use for transferring your data to a new PC. It has support for multiple user accounts and identities; you can move your data not only between identities of the same user, but also between different user accounts and computers. All users of your PC can maintain their own independent backups. Backups can be stored in a folder of your hard disk, put on CD, DVD or removable devices just by using standard Windows features. Try our Internet and email tools, free downloads.


IE Internet Security
IE Internet Security -  secure and protect web browser   (v6.1)

IE Internet Security is a password-protected Internet security utility that customizes different features of the Internet Explorer Web browser. It allows you to disable abilities to change your web browser settings, restrict access to certain tabs of Internet Options dialog box, as well as specific settings from each tab. It lets you disable certain menu items and buttons and prevent others from editing your Favorites. Due to multi-user support, IE Internet Security gives you a great ability to customize the Internet Explorer web browser for each user personally. Existing password protection will not let your users to remove set restrictions or to remove the program itself. Excellent online help is available. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


1st Evidence Remover
1st Evidence Remover -  clean PC and remove evidence   (v2.1)

When you use Windows, open folders, search for files and see pictures, work with different software, use the Internet and online banking to access your accounts, information about all your steps is stored in various files and in the registry. This fact results in security threat you may face because all pictures you have seen, all passwords and bank accounts you use and the other detailed activity information can be easily extracted and used against you by any person with a minimal computer knowledge. 1st Evidence Remover is a security system that lets you destroy all hidden needless activity information that may potentially contain evidence and endanger you needlessly. The program also removes temporary files left by your system making it cleaner and running faster. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


Email Security
Email Security -  ensure email security and privacy   (v2.5)

Did you know that when you send your email messages, they do not go directly to the recipient mailboxes? Did you know that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) stores copies of all your email messages in its database before it tries to deliver them? Do you know that someday all the information kept on the servers can be easily used against you? Did you also know that when you send an email message to a list of email addresses, the respondents can see each other in the email message header? You think it is secure? Ensure your email security and privacy with Email Security. This easy-to-use security utility lets you stop leaving any traces on your PC and on the Internet while sending email messages by putting them directly in the recipient mailboxes. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


ABC Security Protector
ABC Security Protector -  restrict access to DOS   (v5.2)

This nice free password protected security utility enables you to protect your PC by disabling some features like: use of the MS-DOS command prompt in Windows and real mode DOS applications from within the Windows shell, and disable function keys on boot up like the F5, F6 and F8 keys. The program is very useful if you want to disable the lowlevel access to your system. It's easy to use, reliably protected by the password and excellent online help is also available. Try our free password and security tools, free downloads.


CD-DVD Lock -  password protect CD/DVD/HDD/Floppy   (v2.0)

Password-protect and restrict read or write access to your drives such as CD, DVD, floppy, HDD with CD-DVD Lock. You can hide your devices from viewing or lock access to them. The program does not encrypt or alter your data in any way, therefore if you forget your password, you'll never lose your data stored on the protected media. The main purpose of the program is to restrict an ability of copying data between your drives as well as deny access to media itself. CD-DVD Lock will allow you avoid many of headaches connected with unauthorized software installations from any removable media and also prevent data leak by removable media. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


Access Administrator
Access Administrator -  password protect files   (v4.1)

Password protect your files and folders, and restrict others from being able to start, see, change or delete them. File protection activates automatically according to the current user's identity and the timetable that is defined for it. You can keep your employees or kids off the Internet, games and the other entertainment during the working time. You can define a timetable and a list of restricted files for each user individually as you like. Also, Access Administrator may protect files from casual or unauthorized removal. The program is reliably protected by the password. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


File & Folder Protector
File & Folder Protector -  password protect files and folders   (v2.3)

Protect your files and folders with File & Folder Protector at Windows kernel level. This great password-protected security utility lets you password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them securely from viewing and searching just with a click of mouse. When PC user tries to access any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears on the screen. If entered password is valid, the user can access this file or folder, otherwise not. You can also use File & Folder Protector to protect your files and folders from casual or unauthorized removal. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


Outlook Express Protector
Outlook Express Protector -  password protect Outlook Express   (v1.5)

Outlook Express Protector is designed for controlling access to Outlook Express and its e-mail and address data bases. Outlook Express Protector does not encrypt protected files and folders, however no programs can get access to them when the program is active. When you try to start Outlook Express or open Address Book, Outlook Express Protector requests you to enter a password to grant access. If a user does not enter a valid password or cancels the authentication dialog box, Outlook Express or Address Book will not be opened and the data files will not be accessible for any third-party applications. This means that if Outlook Express Protector is active, nobody can steal or spoil your data you have in your Outlook Express. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


Access Lock
Access Lock -  lock access to PC with password   (v2.8)

Access Lock is a system-tray security utility, which enables you to lock your PC with a password by two methods. The first one hides your desktop and shows a screen saver while the second one does not hide it allowing others to watch what happens there that is very useful when you would like to demonstrate something to people but do not want them to play with it. It also prevents unauthorized access on boot, logs the attemps of breaking the lock and allows people around to leave messages while the system is locked. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


PC Lockup
PC Lockup -  lock PC with password   (v2.1)

PC Lockup password-protects your PC and restricts others from being able to use it while you are away. An allowed time schedule and duration can be defined for each user to restrict access in definite hours. PC Lockup also supports monitor power save options and has some additional useful features like built-in password protected screen saver and network user validation feature for Windows logon to increase your security. Try our password and security tools, free downloads.


Pool 3D Training Edition
Pool 3D Training Edition -  billiard simulation game   (v1.5)

Pool 3D Training Edition is a unique 3D billiard game simulator that lets you improve your billiard gaming skills effectively by learning game physics on a PC. Pool 3D Training Edition simulates the real world on your PC using the same gravitational force and acceleration, frictional force and air drag as in the real life. It supports the real billiard-related things such as cue strike at any angle including the vertical strike, forward, backward and side ball spin, sliding and natural roll, energy loss when a ball hits the cushions. A ball can be struck at any point to achieve a side spin making the ball to move by curve. Strength of strike can be achieved by speed of mouse movement just like you strike a real ball with the real cue. The point of view can be moved in any direction, at any angle and at any time even right after a strike to watch the details of the current ball movement. You can view a part of the table very closely or glance at the table from the height of bird flight. Pool 3D Training Edition offers you an excellent 3D graphics that meets the requirements of the pickiest user. Nicely designed interiors of the game rooms add the fun to the game. Try our 3D board games, free downloads.


AbcPuzzles -  play free games and puzzles   (v8.0)

Free games and logic puzzles are fun for games lovers. AbcPuzzles is one of them, it offers several variations of puzzles on tile-based games. Each uses the same basic engine, in which you move the tiles in groups of four or more by spinning them with the control located in the corner where four tiles touch. Much like Rubik's Cube in two dimensions, the games are harder than they first look since you must get the tiles properly aligned without disrupting your previous work. Try our puzzles and free games, free downloads.


Cyclanoid -  play free challenging puzzles   (v8.0)

Free games and challenging puzzles are fun for games lovers. Cyclanoid is one of them, it is a set of challenging tile-based games and puzzles. The objective is to arrange the tiles in the center of the board to match the ones displayed along the game-area border. However, you move the tiles in groups of four or more by spinning them with a control located in the corner where four tiles touch. It also includes a built-in visual builder of puzzles for creating your own games. Try our puzzles and free games, free downloads.


AlterJig -  play free jigsaw puzzles   (v8.0)

Free games and jigsaw puzzles are fun for games lovers. AlterJig is one of them, it is a set of tile-based jigsaw games and puzzles. You select graphics supplied with the games or create your own puzzles from any bitmaps. When you select "new game", AlterJig scrambles the puzzles and challenges you to restore the pictures by rotating groups of four tiles to get the tiles back to their proper positions. Tile rotation is controlled by left and right mouse buttons. Try our puzzles and free games, free downloads.


Security Tools - password and security tools to protect PC

1st Security Agent - protect and secure Windows PC
1st Screen Lock - password-protect PC and spy on users
Security Administrator - protect PC and restrict access
Public PC Desktop - setup public access PC
Easy Desktop Keeper - backup, restore, lock desktop layout
IE Internet Security - secure and protect web browser
1st Evidence Remover - clean PC and remove evidence
ABC Security Protector - restrict access to DOS
CD-DVD Lock - password protect CD/DVD/HDD/Floppy
Access Administrator - password protect files
File & Folder Protector - password protect files and folders
Outlook Express Protector - password protect Outlook Express
Access Lock - lock access to PC with password
PC Lockup - lock PC with password

Internet Tools - email and Internet tools, SMTP servers and mass mailers

Mail Bomber - organize email subscription
Best Mail Server - SMTP/POP3 mail server software
Corporate SMTP Server - high-performance mail server
Easy Backup for Outlook Express - save, restore your data
Email Security - ensure email security and privacy

Puzzle Games - free games and puzzles for kids and adults

Pool 3D Training Edition - billiard simulation game
AbcPuzzles - play free games and puzzles
Cyclanoid - play free challenging puzzles
AlterJig - play free jigsaw puzzles

Website Map - links to different useful pages of this website

Home Page - our home page with the full list of our software
Products - the full list of our software with detailed descriptions
Contact Us - web form you can use to contact us
Links - links to other shareware websites
Security Administrator FAQ - questions and answers related to Security Administrator
Mail Bomber FAQ - questions and answers related to Mail Bomber
Fast Mailer Pro FAQ - questions and answers related to Fast Mailer Pro
Local SMTP Relay Server FAQ - questions and answers related to Local SMTP Relay Server
Email Security FAQ - questions and answers related to Email Security
1st Evidence Remover FAQ - questions and answers related to 1st Evidence Remover
Public PC Desktop FAQ - questions and answers related to Public PC Desktop
Sales Related FAQ - sales related questions and answers
Antispam Policy - our antispam policy
Privacy Policy - our privacy policy

Site Map

Password, security, Internet, email tools, free games, puzzles, free downloads

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