Questions and answers for Customizing Special Folders.
Customizing Special Folders.
Options affect selected user, see the status bar.
- How can I Custom Desktop? - These are the shortcuts that appear on the desktop. This option customizes desktop icons. Enter a path for the directory containing complete files or LNK files that define the desktop shortcuts.
- How can I Custom Favorites? - These are the shortcuts that appear in the Favorites group on the Start menu and in the Favorites of Internet Explorer. This option customizes the contents of the Favorites directory. Enter a path for the directory containing complete files or LNK files that define the Favorites directory items.
- How can I Custom Recent Documents? - These are the shortcuts that appear in the Documents group on the Start menu. This option customizes the contents of the Recent directory. Enter a path for the directory containing complete files or LNK files that define the Recent directory items.
- How can I Custom My Documents? - These are the shortcuts that appear in the My Documents folder. This option customizes the contents of the My Documents directory. Enter a path for the directory containing complete files or LNK files that define the My Documents directory items.
- How can I Custom Start Menu? - These are the shortcuts and other options that appear on the Start menu, as defined by using the Taskbar Properties dialog box. This option customizes what is listed on the Start menu. Enter a path for the directory containing complete files or LNK files that define the Start menu items.
- How can I Custom Programs? - These are the shortcuts that appear in the Programs group on the Start menu. This option customizes the contents of the Programs directory. Enter a path for the directory containing complete files or LNK files that define the Programs directory items.
- How can I Custom Startup? - These are the programs or batch files that appear in the Startup group on the Start menu. This option customizes the contents of the Startup directory. Enter a path for the directory containing complete files or LNK files that define the Startup directory items.
- How can I Custom Network Neighborhood? - These are the shortcuts to resources that appear in Network Neighborhood, including shortcuts to shared printers and files and to Dial-Up Networking connections. Customizes the contents of Network Neighborhood. Enter a path for the directory containing complete files or LNK files that define the Network Neighborhood items.
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