Questions and answers for Internet Security Restrictions.
Internet Security Restrictions.
Options affect selected user, see the status bar.
- How can I Disable Internet Access for Windows Applications? - By using this option you can restrict access to the Internet when using Internet Explorer and other Microsoft compatible products such as Microsoft Office.
- How can I Disable Access to File URLs in Internet Explorer? - Normally you can use the Internet Explorer address bar to access standard files and folders. This setting disables that functionality and only allows access to Internet URLs.
- How can I Disable the Internet Explorer HTML Source Editor Check? - Internet Explorer will normally attempt to detect the program originally used to create a HTML document and modify the "Edit" option to use the same program for future editing. This option can be used to disable the checking.
- How can I Disable the Internet Explorer Splash Screen? - When this setting is enabled the splash screen will not be shown when Internet Explorer is started. If your Internet Explorer does not show the splash screen, this options will not affect your Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Showing My Pictures Toolbar in Internet Explorer ? - When displaying an image in Internet Explorer a floating toolbar is shown that allows you to Save, Print, E-mail or Open the My Pictures folder. This setting allows you to hide the toolbar.
- How can I Disable the Go Button in Internet Explorer? - This setting is used to remove the "Go" button from the Internet Explorer toolbar.
- How can I Disable Internet Explorer Download Notification? - This setting is used to disable download completion notification in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable File Download in Internet Explorer? - This setting allows you to restrict the ability to download files using Internet Explorer.
- How can I Empty Temporary Internet Files on Exit? - This setting controls whether Internet Explorer should delete all of the temporary Internet files stored during the session when the browser is closed.
- How can I Hide the Internet Explorer Icon from the Desktop? - This option hides the Internet Explorer icon from the Windows desktop.
- How can I Disable DialUp Internet Connection? - This option disables DialUp Internet Connection (by modem, for example).
- How can I Disable Tools - Internet Options in Internet Explorer? - Disables the Tools - Internet Options menu item in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Form Autocomplete? - Disables the function of autocompleting of forms in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Password Autocomplete? - Disables the function of autocompleting of passwords in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Closing Internet Explorer? - Disables the option of closing Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable RightClick Context Menu? - Disables the right-click context menu in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Save As? - Disables the ability to do Save As operation in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Favorites? - Disables the Favorites in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable File - New Command? - Disables the File - New command in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable File - Open Command? - Disables the File - Open command in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Find Files Command? - Disables the Find Files command in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Selecting Download Directory? - Disables the option of selecting a download directory in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Full Screen View Option? - Disables the Full Screen view option in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Open in New Window option? - Disables Open in New Window option.
- How can I Disable View - Source Menu Item? - Disables the View - Source menu item in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Navigation Buttons? - Disables the navigation buttons in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Remove Print and Print Preview from the File menu? - Removes Print and Print Preview from the File menu.
- How can I Hide Mail Button On ToolBar? - Hides Mail button on ToolBar in Internet Explorer. Also, disables Tools->Mail and News.
- How can I Remove the Option to Change or Hide Toolbars? - By default users are able to select which toolbars are displayed either be right clicking the toolbar itself, or by changing the options from the View menu. This tweak locks the toolbars, removing the ability to change which are displayed.
- How can I Disable the ability to change toolbar selection? - Disables the ability to change toolbar selection.
- How can I Disable the Ability to Customize Toolbars? - By right clicking on a toolbar you are usually given the option to Customize, which allows you to change which functions are available from the toolbar. This tweak allows you to disable that function.
- How can I Disable Tool Bar? - Disables Tool Bar in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Address Bar? - Disables the address bar in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Links Bar? - Disables Links Bar in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Entire Help Menu? - Disables the entire Help menu in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Remove ForNetscapeUsers menu item? - Removes ForNetscapeUsers menu item of Help menu in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Remove SendFeedback menu item? - Removes SendFeedback menu item of Help menu in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Remove TipOfTheDay menu item? - Removes TipOfTheDay menu item of Help menu in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Remove Tour menu item? - Removes Tour menu item of Help menu in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Search Customization? - Disables Customize button in Search panel of Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Users Channels? - Disables users channels in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Web Pages Complete Saving? - Disables the ability to save web pages completely in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Disable Adding Subscriptions? - Disables the ability to add subscriptions in Internet Explorer.
- How can I Remove IE Instrumentation Features? - This tweak disables the Internet Explorer instrumentation functions.
- How can I Disable Expanding Internet Explorer New Menu? - Usually when you click on the New menu in Internet Explorer it is expanded to include options like New Window, Message, Post and Internet Call. Using this tweak will stop the menu expanding and therefore only display the "New Window" option.
- How can I Disable Caching of Secure Web Pages? - This setting controls whether web pages encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) should be stored on the hard disk in the temporary Internet cache.
- How can I Disable changes to browsers bars? - Disables changes to browsers bars.
- How can I Always prompt user when downloading files? - Always prompts user when downloading files.
- How can I Disable the Custom Search Page in Internet Explorer? - This setting lets you disable the use of the custom search page in Internet Explorer web browser.
- How can I Disable Import and Export feature in Internet Explorer? - This restriction is used to disable the ability of importing and exporting of Internet Explorer cookies and favorites. When users use the Import and Export wizard from the File menu item they will get a message after clicking "Finish" that they are restricted in doing it.
- How can I Disable Password Caching in Internet Explorer? - When you try to open a password-protected web site, you are normally prompted to enter your username and password with an option to "Save this password...". This restriction disables the ability of users to save passwords.
- How can I Disable Local Stylesheets in Internet Explorer? - Internet Explorer has an option to always load a local stylesheet to set browser based preferences for web page styles. This feature can be exploited by unauthorized programs to implement unrequested popups and malicious tracking of user activity. This restriction lets you disable loading the local stylesheet.
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