Customizing folders.
By default Windows has no a possibility to customize Shell Folders. For
example, you can not assign the same desktop for any first two users and
different desktop for third user. Only separate shell folders can be assigned
for each user. It is impossible to make a common shell folder such as Desktop
for two or more users if you use standard Windows tools.
1st Security
Agent enables you to realize it. You can customize not only Desktop, but also
Favorites, Recent Documents, My Documents, Start Menu, Programs, Startup,
Network Neighborhood and other Windows Shell Folders.
The following
restrictions are available in this group:
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Restrict access to Control Panel, disable Start Menu items,
hide drives, disable DOS, boot keys, Registry editing, taskbar, task
manager, and network access, hide desktop icons, apply password protection
to Windows, and disable running applications. Secure Internet Explorer,
disable individual menu items and individual tabs in the Internet Options
dialog, as well as specific settings from each,
and more ... |