Creating messages in Outlook Express in EML format


Creating messages in Outlook Express in EML format


Creating messages in Outlook Express in EML format


Question: Is it possible to create email messages in Outlook Express and send them with Mail Bomber?

Brief Answer: Yes, it is possible. Create your message in Outlook Express then save it as EML file with the File - SaveAs command then use the EML file as a message in Mail Bomber

Answer: Yes, it is possible and more preferable than using a pure HTML format. You can easily design your messages in Outlook Express looking the same way as your pure HTML messages or you can just open your existing HTML message in Internet Explorer, select all content using the Ctrl+A key combination on your keyboard, copy it to the Clipboard, paste it to the Outlook Express's message editor then save this new message as EML file using the File->SaveAs command from the main menu of Outlook Express's message editor.

After you get your EML file you should open Mail Bomber, create a new messages, select type of message as Outlook Express EML message file, enter the location of your EML file (manually enter the full file path or press the Browse button to select it with Windows Explorer), then save the message by clicking on the Ok button.

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Mail Bomber FAQ - Creating messages in Outlook Express in EML format

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